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Anything that can go wrong....

December 8th, 2020 at 08:21 pm

We're having one of those days here.

My wife started getting more serious about her sewing business a couple of months ago. She updated her website. We had a friend design a new logo. I then designed and we had printed business cards. I also printed hang tags to put on her items. She reconnected with a shop owner who is selling her items on consignment, and she has already sold a bunch of things. That's all good.

Today, my task was to update the hang tags with a different email address. In the process of doing so, I suddenly realized that on everything we had done so far, a word was misspelled. Ugh. Business cards. Hang tags. Some product labels. All wrong. Several people had reviewed those designs multiple times and somehow none of us had noticed the mistake until I caught it today.

So now my job is to fix it all. Our friend is going to fix the logo. Then I'll use that to fix the hang tags and we'll have to order new business cards. Fortunately, I printed the hang tags myself in small batches and we got the business cards online for about $20. So not a big financial loss but a huge pain in the butt.

Oh, and one more thing. My wife went to cut some fabric on her Cricut and apparently chose the wrong setting which resulted in the machine cutting through the cutting mat.

I hope you're all having a better day.

4 Responses to “Anything that can go wrong....”

  1. Dido Says:

    Sorry you're having one of those days; I hope tomorrow is better!

  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    That must have been quite frustrating.

  3. disneysteve Says:

    Yep. Last year, she had taken some bags to this yarn shop and sold a couple of things but it never really took off. It just wasn't the right type of item for the shop. At the end of October, she took some entirely different (and much nicer) bags there and 6 sold the first week. 9 more sold the week after that. We went over last week to bring a few new items and I think we're going tomorrow with a few more.

    A lot of the sales right now might be for holidays gifts, so we'll have to see how it goes once Christmas is behind us. If the shop slows down, we might work on getting some online sales going. We have a friend who has run some online "parties" for a couple of friends who have small craft businesses and they did well, so that's a possibility.

  4. mumof2 Says:

    We all have those days...but tomorrow can always be better...glad you found the mistake and it doesn't cost to much to redo everything

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